Author Archives: dri admin

EQ Skills Transform Organizational Climate, Organizational Climate Drives Performance & Results

Do you want to manage stress? Do you want to become more assertive? Do you want to understand other people better? Do you want to be a more adaptive and inspiring leader? These are just some of the concerns that developing our emotional intelligence will address. A high intelligence quotient (IQ) may not be enough…

A Synergy and Reciprocity by Taking a Family Business Health Check with a Sales Transformation – Super Discount Price

Family Business Health Check Program Program details: or HERE Original price: HK$ 300,000.- Buy today: HK$ 188,888.- (37% off) You save HK$111,112.- Sales Mastery Program Program details: or HERE Original price: HK$ 300,000.- Buy today: HK$ 188,888.- (37% off) You save HK$111,112.- Buy the two programs in a batch Original price: HK$ 600,000.-…

Family Business Health Check Program – A tailor-made program to understand your company’s current status and make a sustainable growth action plan ahead

All businesses face challenges, whether it is dealing with the changing economy, finding and hiring the right employees, or increased competition in the market. Family-owned businesses are not immune to these challenges. There is also a unique set of challenges that family-owned businesses have to face as a result of the nature of their business…

Coaching Profile of David Yeh Junior

”When we get egoistic with ourselves, humble ourselves with humanity.“ David is an ardent advocate of positive change, with years of experience applying Life Transformation Strategies.  He has made his life purpose to inspire and empower individuals, seeing to it that they find fulfillment in everything they do.  His sense of mission stems from the…

A Synergy and Reciprocity by Taking a Family Business Health Check with a Sales Transformation

Do you know how many companies in Hong Kong were accounted for by family businesses? The answer is 60% according to the PwC Family Business Survey in 2016.  The city’s top 15 family-controlled assets are worth 84% of gross domestic product. Family business plays a very crucial role in the development of the local economy….