Author Archives: dri admin

Summer Externship 2022 – Young Leadership Development Program

Youngsters, be well equipped to prepare for your NEXT STAGE! Our Externship Program is designed to serve youngsters including those who have graduated or are about to graduate from school, and who want to get well equipped and prepared for their future endeavors. It includes an increased self-efficacy and development of relevant skills for the…


  Young Leadership Is Essential to Our Organization Do your young teammates or management trainees bring enthusiasm and optimism to their work? Do they understand the trends of the next generation? Do they learn first and are technologically smart? Are they passionate about the company mission and core values? Last but not the least, are…

Business Reborn Program – an Exit from the Current Economic Winter

Despite being the tenth-largest trading power and fifth-largest financial center in the world, Hong Kong is suffering an economic winter since 2020, to the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic. A survey found that 59% of Hong Kong social enterprises think they may go bankrupt, as the fifth wave batters the economy. The survey was released…

Is the Economic Winter a Crisis, or an Opportunity?

INTRODUCTION The coronavirus crisis turned the global economy into the deepest recession since the Great Depression mostly felt throughout 2020. With estimates that world gross domestic product (GDP) had fallen by 3.9% in the first quarter of 2020. Major economies such as the US experienced more than 36 Million people filing for unemployment and experiencing…