Author Archives: admin

Break Through The Bottleneck – ALL WE CAN COACH program

The world is being in a bottleneck. So are we. We are used to saying that the best way to predict the future is to create it. However, the future has already happened. It comes along with nonstop uncertainties and changes, from disruptive new technologies to breakout businesses, and turbulence abounds. In Chinese wisdom, our future…

Meta Programs: the Secret of Thinking, Behavioral and Emotional Patterns

Meta Programs are our habitual thinking patterns and they determine our preference analysis unconsciously. Unless we are specially trained, we have no idea how we think, act, and get to our results. Meta Programs exist everywhere in our daily lives and have a huge influence on our family, among friends, relationships, workplaces, and so forth….

MINDSET MASTERY PROGRAM – Turn Your Mind From Zero To Here

Do you notice that you always give up easily, feel dissatisfied, disappointed, sad, and a broad range of negative feelings? Not only these, at the same time, you may also have a mediocre relationship, career stagnation, unsecured retirement, and so forth? If you do, you may have a fixed mindset. The opposite of the fixed mindset is a…

Life journey

Every human being has his or her life journey.  It can last from a few seconds or to the longest lifetime of all.  Everyone life experience is unique and special and we all have a different purpose towards the journey. Coming from my personal experience, I had so much to learn from my past and…

Overcome invisible giants in our mind: “emotional” and “rational “choices

In the traditional concept of great wealth is bound to our advantage, but Malcolm Gladwell [Masterpiece Outliers, the Tipping point ‘s author], combined with the scientific, historical and biblical multi-layered clues, depicts the myth of cracking ordinary normative ideas, re-interpreting the politics. The law of strength and weakness based on the fields of governance, society,…