Author Archives: admin

How to Empower Employees and to Unleash Their Potentials?

When selecting, interviewing, and hiring employees to work in our organization, we look at other factors and their potentials. We select individuals not only based on their education and experience but also the individual attributes that make them unique. Such attributes are such as their proactivity, soft skills, and their potential to achieve greater things…

Emotional Mastery Group Class

EMOTIONAL MASTERY IS THE PROCESS OF BECOMING AWARE OF AND LEARNING TO CONTROL AND CHANGE OUR EMOTIONAL STATES. Research findings on Emotional Intelligence: Studies have found that 67% of all competencies deemed essential for high performance were related to Emotional Intelligence. One study tested 186 executives on Emotional Intelligence and compared their scores with their…

PAY IT FORWARD – A Brilliant Way of Giving Gifts and Expressing Gratitude

Have you ever thought of being a mentor for someone you really love and care but you have no time or no idea to work it out? Do you have any friend who is fighting some kinds of battle and they are in need of a pilot lamp? Are you still thinking of a special…